Wednesday, March 28, 2012


  Ever since Professor Sexson introduced the idea of a Museyroom, I have been wracking my brain trying to figure out what I wanted to do. After finally coming up with a concept, I asked for my mom to help. HOwever, she soon shot down my idea as being too complicated and hard to construct in-actuality even though it was cool in my mind. So then she started brain-storming ideas for me. Together we can came up with an amazing least I think it is pretty amazing! I am going to use a purse as my Museyroom. There are so many hidden compartments within a woman's purse and you will never know what you could find in one. In line with this idea, I would use a purse that would allow me to somehow decorate the outside as well as use the inside. I love the idea of hidden rooms/compartments and think that it is a mandatory feature of any concept that represents the mind and memory. I haven't found the perfect purse at this moment but plan to go shopping this weekend at 2nd-hand stores and the like this weekend. I haven't figured out exactly what I am going to put in my Museyroom but I can guarantee that it will some how focus on the Eleusinian Mysteries and then I think that I might just do word association to decide what else will go in my Museyroom. I'm not sure if this exactly what Professor Sexson but I think that it sounds interesting to me.

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