Friday, March 30, 2012

Notes 3/7/2012

  • Museyroom
    • adjusted syllabus
    • induction: take us inside your room
      • not introduction
  • theater= religion
    • Yeates: Theater of the World
    • initiation into universal memory
  • Over break
    • choose from Camillo, Bruno, or Lull
    • study their theater and blog about it
  • Tristan's blog
    • mystery novels
    • foundational 
    • everything counts
  • Little Big
    • based on Yate's books
    • magical sense of reality vs.  rational sense of reality
  • Engine Summer
    • snakes
    • epithets related to speech
  • Gilds
    • truthful speakers
    • speech is transparent
    • catechism
      • you become transparent not just your words
    • negative capability
    • tell the truth
  • Breanna 
    • Fish story

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