Wednesday, February 8, 2012

My 59 memorized items

I have decided that I can't procrastinate any longer and that I need to get my 51 things memorized! I have decided to memorize the Greek Gods names, their Roman form, and at least one of the things that they are known for. I chose to memorize these things because I am OBSESSED with Greek mythology. I often read the myths in my spare time or see their influences in all types of literature. But it is frustrating to me when I get them mixed up and have to look them up. Hopefully after I finish building my memory palace this confusion will be a thing of the past.

  1. I am walking up the steps to my house and see Demeter raking the yard (which really I need to do this weekend). She is actually changed forms to look like this guy Demeter that was in my accounting class last year. With the leaves she is making a series of different piles instead of just one big one. (Demeter, Ceres, Vegetation)
  2. One the other side of the lawn, I see a big pile of dirt that has a face in the mound. This reminds me of how Gaea is represented in the Percy Jackson books. (Gaea, Earth)
  3. Next I look up to the balcony and see Zeus drawing lightning bolts from the sky. But weird thing is that the bolts originate from the planet Jupiter instead of just the sky. (Zeus, Jupiter, Sky)
  4. I go up the steps and start to open the front door but it starts talking to me. There is a man's face in the middle of the door saying I have to solve a riddle in order to begin my journey. This face has a hooked nose that looks like a J. (Janus, Beginnings)
  5. I solve the riddle and go inside. The first thing I see is the rose table. On the Rose Table is a plaque that says for "June". (Hera, Juno, Marriage)
  6. On top of the rose table is a silver cooking pan full of flowers and other fauna.  (Pan, Faunus, Nature)
  7. I turn to my right and go into the Formal Living room. Over by the front window, I see the sun shining in on this gorgeous man who is sucking helium out of a balloon with a big A on it. The man is wearing a Polo shirt.  (Apollo, Helios, Sun)
  8. Next I go into the nook and see a leprechaun eating tune for lunch. (Fortuna, Luck)
  9. I look into the Dining Room and see this man in a purple track suit drinking Sparkling Cider straight from the bottle. He is getting ready to head to a bachelor party. (Dionysus, Bacchus, Wine)
  10. I go up the stairs and look into my room. There is see Persephone eating pomegranates and coring an apple while watching the Waking Dead. (Persephone, Kore, Queen of the Dead)
  11. Around the corner is this big army guy looking into the Recruitment closet. Rambo is wearing pearls, high heels, and an airy looking dress. He is preparing for the war of formal recruitment while eating a Mars Bar candy. (Ares, Mars, War)
  12. Walking down the hallway a little ways in the bathroom. I go in and see the bathtub filled to the brim and this miniature figurine of Percy Jackson playing in the water to to the tune of row row row your boat. (Poseidon, Neptune, Seas)
  13. Leaving the bathroom, I go to the loft and see a blond woman watching love stories, specifically A Walk to Remember, a great love story. She is doing this while shaving her legs with a Venus Razor. (Aphrodite, Venus, Love)
  14. Having toured the upstairs, I head back to main floor and see a man standing by our intercom system. There are little crabs running all over the intercom system. Marie Curie is right beside him announcing "man on upper". (Hermes, Mercury, Messenger)
  15. I go past the intercom system into the TV room and see that the fire is going in hearth. I see a girl I went to school with Tia, wearing a bright yellow vest. (Hestia, Vesta, Hearth)
  16. On the big flat-screen, I see a documentary about Princess Dianna. She is wearing a bright orange hunting vest while painting new art pieces. (Dianna, Artemis, Hunting)
  17. Next going down stairs, I go to the laundry room and see that it has been transformed into my shop at home. I see my brother making cans into horse shoes. He is wearing this huge jersey that has the a dragon on the back with the name festus. (Hephaestus, Vulcan, Blacksmith)
  18. Going into the Pit, I see the TV turned onto Wizards of Waverly Place where a cat has been turned into a little boy. (Hecate, Magic)
  19. On the couch is a cherubic little boys playing with arrows who is eating roses. (Cupid, Eros, Love) 
  20. Next I go into the hallway where all the lights are off and it is super dark. There is Mick Jagger who is dressed up as the cartoon Pluto. (Hades, Pluto, Underworld)
  21. Lastly I head to the Chapter Room and at my spot in the front is Athena. She looks like Professor McGonagal from Harry Potter and is lecturing the chapter on the wisdom of war tactics. (Athena, Minerva, Wisdom)
Now we will see if I can remember all of these things for the test!

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