Monday, February 6, 2012

Notes 2/3/2012

  • Ong's Orality & Literacy
    • cliff notes version
    • Bingham
    • Rio has the link on his blog
  • Ong Chapter 4 & Yates Chapter 4 for 1st Quiz
  • Art of Memory
    • page 36-37; Chapter 2
    • Plato
      • seal 
      • function of rhetoric
      • Jennifer T.'s blog
        • pictures of tables
      • Tia's blog
        • sound envelopes us
        • sight isolates us
  • Waking Life
    • link on Rio's blog
    • fabulous movie!
  • anamnesis: remembering
  • Nick's blog
    • possessed by the idea of memory
    • read!! 
    • self-hypnosis
  • Spencer's blog
    • knock your socks off!!
    • Old English
    • talents of the mind to adapt
  • Cameron's blog
    • about Cassidy's blog
    • which was about Spencer's blog
  • Limitless
    • movie
    • invention of a drug that allows to use all of brain
  • Ong
    • practical
    • page 39 Wisdom of Mythtales
      • myths are repositories
      • "mythological knowing"
        • Song Lines by Bruce Chatwin
          • travel writer who works with oral story tellers around the world

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