Monday, February 13, 2012

Notes February 8, 2012

  • Renaissance Humanism
    • Petrarch
    • carry book with them all the time
    • Confessions of St. Augustine
      • Chapter 10 
    • everything centers on man/woman
  • Term papers will be posters
    •  memory palace
  • Nick's blog
    • hypnotized
    • youtube video- needs warning
    • reading= hypnosis
  • Magi (magician)
    • not only man is the center but the man's powers as well
    • hermetic
  • imaginal space
    • imaginary friend
  • Nicolo Machiavelli
    • "better to be feared than loved"
    • wrote poems to imaginable mistresses
    • psychic reality
      • response create existence
      • "as if her were alive"- "Als obo"
  • Jennifer T's blog
    • iconoclasm
  • Spencer's blog
  • Ong
    • primary orality
      • people never experienced literacy or thought of literature 
    • secondary orality
      • predominately world of images
      • visual literacy
  • Shelby's blog
    • words go out of existence
      • ephemeral 
      • Ong 71
    • immortality
      • orality vs literacy
    • Figure of 10 stairs
      • Elliot
  • Wisdom of the Mythtellers
    • death= death of library in oral tradition

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