Sunday, January 29, 2012

My House in Pictures

Now I am just going to come out and admit it. I am not a great drawer....heck I'm not even a good drawer. The following pictures are my best efforts of giving you all a glimpse into my childhood home and maybe even into the way I think. Remember I warned you that drawing is not my strong suit at all!!!!! Thus why I decided Engineering would be a very very bad it had a lot more math than Literature. Because trust me that did factor into my decision!!!!
The picture above is my house as a whole. Now I don't have a scanner so I took pictures of my drawings and then uploaded them to my computer. I start on the steps and then go to the porch to Clio then to the kitchen to Callipe. After Calliope, I go to the Dining room to Urania & Thalia. After seeing Thalia, I visit Euterpe in the Kitchen playing on the stereo. After jamming out with her, I go dance with Terpsichore in the Dining Room. Next is Erator on the couch, Melpomene on the recliner, and Polyhymnia sitting on the floor in the Living room. The key to the side signifies the different aspects of my house such as doors, windows, and open areas that seperate various rooms such as the kitchen and dining room and the dining room and the living room. The following drawings are more closeups of each individual room. Including my room which doesn't have to do with the muses but that I described in a blog earlier this evening. Enjoy and welcome to Casa Cooley!

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