Monday, January 23, 2012

The assignment for this weekend was figure out how to remember the 9 muses using a memory theater. Well let me tell you, I have had a hard time with this one. I just couldn't seem to get the muses to stick in mind! I have even tried to use various memory systems. And nothing worked. I just couldn't seem to get a story to flow through my mind that helped me remember. Then I realized what my solution could be. Instead of making up a story why didn't I just recreate one. Instead of using new faces for the muses, I could give their names to faces I already knew.
 To start out recreating my story, I decided to use my childhood home on my ranch in Jordan, MT. When you walk in the front door is our porch. A little stool that I made in shop class as junior sits inside the door. Sitting on the stool is Cleopatra who uses the nickname Clio. She is reading scrolls of history but she has to do it in the porch because her sisters are being too loud in the rest of the house.
After seeing Clio, I turn to my right and walk into the kitchen. At the counter is Calliope, reading the Illiad on her new Ipod Tablet. I picture her having my curly hair as all through high school that is where I could be found while my friends were out partying!
Next is Urania. Here I picture as my Astronomy professor at MSU. She is looking through a new telescope outside the new bench windows my mom put in this past summer.
Looking past Urania, I see Thalia, who looks like a young girl in punk clothing, which is an image I have taken from Percy Jackson series (my favorite books at the moment!). Thalia is over by our game area arguing with Adam Sandler about which games would be the funnies to play.
Looking back into the kitchen, I see Euterpe, who looks identical to my friend Cerissa who played the flute all through our years in pep band, cranking up her ipod on the sound system that we have in the corner. She is holding her flute but she just can't play loud enough to drown out the noise of Thalia & Adam. So instead she is busting out some Lady Gaga Remixes.
Near her in the dining room, I actually see Lady Gaga as Terpsichore breaking out some killer dance moves. She has on this crazy outfit which consists of neon green leotard that has Terpsichore spelled out in HOT PINK.
Next in the living room, I see Erato on the couch making out with Ryan Reynolds. I picture myself as Erato because really who wouldn't want to be making out with Ryan Reynolds! The two are oblivious to everything including the fact that they are laying on Erato's lyre!
In the recliner is Melpmene crying because Erato stole Ryan from her. She is wailing about her lost love. She is the main reason that the rest of her sisters are either in different rooms altogether or else have their music cranked up as loud as it can go.
And last but not least I see Polyhymnia sitting criss-cross apple sauce on the floor of the living room meditating  and humming some hymns. This way she is able to block out all the noise and with a veil on her face she is able to block out all visuals of the wild antics her sisters have gotten up to!
After walking through this scenario a few times, I really think that it is going to be helpful to picture the muses as people I already know as that makes more associations in my mind and makes them more memorable. I mean I don't think I would ever forget having the opportunity to spend time with Ryan Reynolds! Now that I got this down, its time to start moving on to the tribes of Jacob. I wonder what celebrities I will be able to come up for them....

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