Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Notes 1/25/2012

  • Epithets
    • Copious Kyle
    • Downtown Abby
    • Sweet & Sour Shelby
    • Angel of the Meandering Pages
  • Everyone needs to replace their name with their new epithet on the title of their blog
  • Read
    • MWE the chapter about the high school science teacher who has his students learn the art of memory
  • Art of Memory
    • pg 96
      • please check out the diagrams
      • examine all diagrams in the book when reading
  • Orality & Literacy Ong
    • memories are associated with real life
      • for example if people don't use the front door in a house, it isn't likely to be as helpful if used in the memory palace
  • Sons of Jacob
    • Reuben
      • water
    • Simeon
      • ox
    • Levi
      • ox
    • Judah
      • lions
    • Zebulun
      • ships
    • Issachar
      • donkey
    • Dan
      • serpent
    • Gad
      • trampled
    • Asher
      • rich $$$$
    • Naphalti
      • deer
    • Joseph
      •  fruitful bough
    • Benjamin
      • wolf
  • Start memorizing 9 thing out of Ong's book
  • Flyting
    • exchange of insults
    • blog about names you used to call your siblings
  • Bo Diddly
    • Say, man
    • flyting within the song
  • Read
    • Chapter 3 of Ong by Friday
    • Chapter in MWE about the science teacher and his teaching methods
  • Blogs that were mentioned in class and would be good to checkout
    • Nate
      • diagram
    • Walter
      • memory system
    • Tia
      • diagram
    • Shelby
      • diagram
    • Abby
      • diagram
    • Cassidy
      • diagram

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