Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Notes January 13, 2012

  • Epithets
    • next week
    • we will be divided into groups and group members will decide epithets for each other
  • Jennifer Thornburg
    • has all class members' blogs organized alphabetically
  • Read each other's blogs!!
  • Brianna
    • will be the other note taker for the class
  • The Oral Tradition
    • repetitious and redundant
    • Why use 1 word when you can use 10?
  • Easier to remember sensory properties than just written
    • Thus use Oral not Written
  • Syllabus
    • Read Moon Walking with Einstein (MWE) by Wednesday
      • starts with Occasion of the Banquet: Simonides
    • Art of Memory by Francis Yates
      • academic book
      • starts with a story like MWE
  • Loci
    • location
    • latin
    • use for memory
    • memory works best with locations and images
  • Memory Theater
    • we will create our classroom into a memory theater or memory palace
  • Etymology of cute
    • bowlegged
  • Mother of Muses
    • mnemosyne: memory
  • Assignment
    • Read Chapter 5 of MWE by Wednesday

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