Thursday, January 12, 2012

Notes 1/11/12

Professor Sexson went over the booklist for the class

  • Orality & Literacy
  • Wisdom of the Mythtellers
  • Moonwalking with Einstein
  • the Art of Memory
We are supposed to start with Walking With Einstien and have it finished by Wednesday 1/18/2012
  • Topics that were discussed during class
    • How most, if not all, epic poems start by invoking the muses for creativity, specifically reference Odysseus
    • Know all 9 for the first test: names & attributes
    • Discussed Athena's birth from Zeus's head as he had ate her mother, Metis, the muse, who is known for her cleverness. 
    • Epithet: we will all have one by the end of the semester
      • Example: Odysseus's: Clever Odysseus
  • Muses
    • Clio: history
    • Euterpe: lyrical poetry: flute
    • Thalia: comedy
    • Melpomene: tragedy
    • Erato: love poems
    • Terpsichore: dance
    • Polyhymnia: hymns
    • Urania: astrology
    • Calliope: epic poetry
    • CCutetemp (See the cute temp) 
    • look up all nine to work on remembering them
  • Memory
    • Kubla Khan: poem we will have to recite
    • things being metrical help memory
    • start reading Moonwalking with Einstein

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