Friday, January 20, 2012

Notes 1/18/2012

  • Have blogs up and running by this weekend WITH blog entries
  • Friday: Class Schedule will be handed out
    • however, it is not set in stone except for test dates
      • Exam Dates
        • Exam #1: February 27th
        • Exam #2: April 9th
        • Final Exam: May 1st @ 8am
  • Orality & Literacy
    • Start of Chapter 3 has a list of 9 things that we need to memorize
  • Won't focus on later chapter of Yates
    • These chapters describe complicated memory systems that are too in-depth for this class
  • Giordano Bruno
    • Italian that had the most complex memory system in history
    • burned at the stake because memory system was too sexual and offending
  • Orality & Literacy
    • Remember!!
      • When push comes to shove, use a cliche
      • Think memorable thoughts!!
      • This idea will help with remembering things
  • Blogs to read
    • Nick
    • Seth
  • Giulio Camillo
    • centerfold to Francis Yates' 
    • invented a very complicated memory theater
    • room within rooms
    • decided to build his own theater instead of fill one already built
    • also used Globe Theater (Shakespeare's theater) 
      • this introduced components/elements of collective memory
      • everyone who goes to the Globe theater takes part in the world's collective memory
  • Chunking
    • vital to memory systems
  • Memory Presentations start on February 17th
    • will present 100 items that have been memorized to help pass a different classes exam
    • 15 items from Ford's book
    • also both on 1st exam
  • Homer
    • page 58 of Orality & Literacy
    • discusses how oral stories always use formulas
  • Bible: Chapter 49 Genesis
    • Jacob created a memory theater for his sons
    • all 12 had epithets
      • Reuben, Simon, Levi, Judah, Zebulun, Issachar, Dan, Gad, Asher, Naphtali, Joseph, Benjamin
  • Epithets
    • Megan: Mother of the Muses
    • Cassidy: Uterpe
    • Tia of the crawling aunts
  • Finish Ford by this weekend! 

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