Thursday, January 19, 2012

Binomial Nomenclature

The first blog entry is always the most intimidating to me. This blog that I am writing will set the bar for the rest of the semester. So as I'm sitting here trying to think of something to say that is impressive and that sounds pretty intelligent, I am coming to a complete blank. Not the best way to start the semester! All I can think of is binomial nomenclature. That is the weird thing with the memory. Yesterday when Professor Sexson suggested that my name be binomial nomenclature, which I figured had to do with being left handed. Boy was I wrong! Now that I know what it means, it still does nothing to help me come up with an epithet for my group members nor does it help me think of something to write that is going to be impressive.
Since I'm thinking of nothing of monumental importance to write about, you are just going to have to bear with me while I work through all the random thoughts that go  through my head while Sexson is lecturing. And believe me there are a lot. First of all, listening to all my classmates goals of using their memory for something more than just passing this class, I decided that I needed to have a goal for the semester. Something that will encourage me to really make my own memory palaces that I will enjoy using. The items that I wish to memorize as a goal is all of the Greek gods, their Roman counterparts, and their attributes. Most people would probably say that this is not really something that will be useful in the future but over the past few years, I have fallen in love with Greek mythology. And I figure the best way to get good at building memory palaces is to memorize something that interests me and that I draw connections from in all literature that I read. After becoming so immersed in Greek mythology I see its influence in all literature. However, I have a hard time remembering the names in various stories, which is kind of embarrassing because I usually know the story. After deciding my goal, I had to figure out what building I want to use as my memory palace. As you may or may not know, I am in a sorority. And if you haven't been in a sorority house, let me tell you they are usually really big with a lot of rooms. So for my memory palace I am going to use my sorority house and then when my house is filled, I plan to move on to the others on campus and even go so far as to research other houses around the United States. I figure the only way to get really good at building memory palaces is to use a building that has significance to yourself and then become better at memory by actually enjoying walking through it. Now I'm not sure if this was an impressive or very intellectual sounding blog but it showed how thinking about one thing can lead the brain to jump from one idea to the next. So Professor Sexson, maybe I would like to have my epithet for the semester to be binomial nomenclature because it will remind me of my mission.

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