Sunday, January 29, 2012

My Childhood Bedroom

I have put off describing my bedroom as we were supposed to do a few weeks ago for one reason and one reason alone, which is that my room is always a DISASTER!!!! I am not the cleanest person when in my childhood room. So I have spent the last couple of weeks cleaning my room in my mind, which is barely more fun than cleaning my room in real life! Now that it is finally clean, I don't feel so bad showing it to the world. So here we go!
 When you first walk into Casa Jennifer, to your left you will see two book shelves, where I have organized my favorite authors on the top shelves with the lesser loved one farther down. However when you look at this shelves you will see what looks like mass confusion to anyone but me. You see I have too many books to fit them all on the shelves unless, I double up books on each shelf. Even by doing that I have to have another bookshelf to hold all of my prized possessions.
  Looking past my bookshelves, is my brown recliner that I won at my senior graduation party, which seems like a lifetime ago. Past that is dresser with its four drawers sitting in the corner. There is nothing extraordinary about this dresser except that upon it sits various pictures and momentos from my life.
 We next have my green hope chest sitting under the window. This chest contains all of the possessions that summarize my life's big moments. For example it holds my high school graduation diploma and cap & gown among other things.
 Beside my hope chest is a set of 8 multicolored drawers that hold anything from hair supplies to bank statements. Next in the line up is my HIDEOUS green desk. I honestly have no idea where I got this desk. Probably from one of my mom's rental houses. It has a top long drawer that random stuff gets thrown into and then two side drawers, which both hold beauty supplies. On this desks sets, my jewelry stands, coin jars, my TV, and random makeup supplies. Beside this hideous monstrosity is my standing makeup mirror.
 The biggest item in my room is next. Needless to say this is my bed. On my bed is a multitude of pillows, blankets, and books. I tend to read and reread a lot of books and fall asleep with them in my bed. The cover blanket is my graduation present from my grandma, which is quilt made of picture of my childhood, teenage years, and family. It is one of the most precious things in my life as it holds all my memories. At the foot of my bed is my closet which basically is never opened unless I'm quickly shoving more stuff in there. My closet is probably a safety hazard even as a memory palace so it will never be used for anything except a type of garbage disposal. Beside my closet is my 3rd bookshelf!! The top 2 shelves hold books of various subjects doubled up to make enough room. The bottom two shelves hold various articles of clothing. On top of this piece of furniture sits more pictures and childhood memorabilia. The last piece of furniture is a desk that my mom wanted out of the rest of the house and so stored it in my room. On it sits our old dinasour of a Desktop computer that needs to be cleaned up.
That is an overview of my room so now I will give you a few more details. My room is painted various shades of purple, which happened as a reward for graduating the 8th grade with a 4.0 GPA. One my walls hang various pictures and paintings.

The picture above sits right over my bed. This painting used to hang in my father's mother's room before she passed when I was much younger. I could spend hours staring at this painting as it represented so many possibilities to my childlike mind. Now as a connection to my grandmother it hangs in my room as it did in hers.
Also on my walls are various awards from both high school and college. As well as our family portrait from about 10 years ago.
 I have taken you around the edges of my room and the walls. In the middle of my room is a bunch of bare blue carpet space. On this space usually rests piles of clothing. That is pretty much all you need to know about my childhood bedroom.

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